Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jenaye's Junque November

Hey girls!

I will be teaching another Jenaye's Junque class on
Saturday, November 5th
from 10:30-1:00.

Here are the 3 projects we will be creating:

Lace Puff Flower

Layered Lace and Chiffon Flower

Custom Stamen Center Flower

{I will be supplying glimmer mist to spray this flower so you can make the flower whatever color you want!}

You can sign up by registering online at or by calling 480-854-2303.
{You will receive a 10% discount for signing up online.}

Peace girls!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Little Different...

I decided to change things up a little bit for my upcoming class on
Saturday, October 15th

Instead of making 3 flowers in class, you will be making this necklace:

You can sign up online by clicking here
by calling Scrapbooks, Etc. at

Sign up soon... space is limited!

I hope to see you there!

Peace girls!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upcoming Class

I will be teaching Jenaye's Junque
this Saturday,
September 24th
from 10:30-1:00
at Scrapbooks, Etc.

We will be creating three flowers, which are pictured below!

{I have to give a shout out to Amanda Herring from The Quilted Fish, who generously donated this amazing fabric that she designed! It is from her new fabric line "Delighted". Isn't it stinkin' cute?? Thanks Amanda!}

You can sign up online at Scrapbooks, Etc. or by phone at 480.854.2303.

I hope to see you there!

Peace girls!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The End is Here...

It's hard to believe that the very last Creative Escape has come and gone.
This last event was the most memorable yet and I am so thankful to have been a part of it.

The teachers were talented, the attendees were fun and creative, and the volunteers were amazing.

Thank you to everybody who made this event so special for me!

As a teacher at CE this year, several students and volunteers went above and beyond and showered me with gifts!
{P.S. Very thoughtful}

I just wanted to post pictures of the fabulous gifts I received and say thank you to all of the incredible girls who took the time to make something for me!

I hope you all enjoyed "Just Junque" and I can't wait to see all of the creative things you girls come up with.
Keep practicing those flowers and you will be a pro in
no time.

One last thing...
For those of you who didn't believe me when I said my cute man Justin sewed some flowers for me, here is a photo of him I took a few months ago.
{Shh... he doesn't know I took it!!}

Thanks again girls and please keep in touch!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Creative Escape

I cannot believe that Creative Escape is less than ONE week away!!

I am very excited to be team-teaching a class with my mom this year and I'm eager to meet all of the creative girls (and guys) attending the event.

I will be selling my 'junque' at the on-site Scrapbooks, Etc. store during the event. There will be a lot of cute and fun things, so be sure to check it out!

I will see all of you Creative Escapers soon!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Ties are Here!

I have finally finished a few ties that I have been working on!!
They are for sale at Scrapbooks, Etc. and I'm pretty much in love with them.

They will be for sale on my website soon!

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!